Thank you for wanting to contribute towards the cost of WAICC’s programs!
You can donate to a specific program or to our general fund.
Charitable Registration Number: 891495970RR0001
You can donate online securely using your credit card or bank card by clicking on the button below and filling out the form at Canada Helps.
Canada Helps will email you a charitable receipt that you can print for your tax return.
If you prefer, cheques can be made out to
Wolfville Area Interchurch Council and mailed to
WAICC Treasurer
Box 2270, Wolfville, NS Canada B4P 2N5
Please ensure that you include your full name and address with your donation.
All cheque contributions will receive a receipt from WAICC for income tax purposes.
Note: We cannot accept e-transfers from your bank. To donate online, use the link above.