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Monetary donations may be made to the food bank at any time. Cheques should be made out to the Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council (WAICC) and sent to:

WAICC Treasurer
P.O. Box 2270
Wolfville, NS
B4P 2N5

Indicate “Food Bank” on the memo area of the cheque (usually on the bottom left).

Tax receipts can be issued for monetary donations to WAICC.  Donor cards are available for those wishing to make donations to WAICC in lieu of gifts to friends and family.

Credit card or PayPal donations can be made from the WAICC donation website or by using the form on the bottom of this page. Indicate “Food Bank” in the message area of the form.

Non-perishable food donations can be left in the donation bin at the Wolfville Save-Easy, or inside the front entrance to the Wolfville Baptist Church.  Not sure what to donate?

Other donations (fresh produce, clothing, books, etc.) can be coordinated by calling 542-0040, or e-mailing wolfvilleareafoodbank@gmail.com.  Please leave your name and contact information so a Food Bank volunteer can get back to you.

Donations made to stores in New Minas and Kentville support the Fundy Food Bank, located in Kentville.


If you wish to donate your time and volunteer to help the Food Bank, please contact us at: 542-0040 (messages only) or e-mail wolfvilleareafoodbank@gmail.com.