Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 19th to 26th
All are welcome.
Ecumenical Worship, Sock-Hop Dance, Evensong Worship & Potluck Supper, Sock Drive. Details below:
Sock Drive:
New or very gently used socks for all ages wanted. Collection bins located at St. Francis Catholic Church, Orchard Valley United Church, L`Arche, etc. Socks will go to agencies such as Open Arms, Chrysalis House and Harvest House.
Ecumenical Worship
- Time: Sunday, January 19th, 7:00 pm.
- Place: Acadia Manning Memorial Chapel.
- Speaker: Canon Lynn Uzans, assistant priest of the Anglican Parish of Wilmot.
- Music: Acadia Chapel Choir.
Sock-Hop Dance
- Time: Friday, Jan 24th, 3:30 to 5:30 pm.
- Place: L’Arche Homefires, 341 Main St., Wolfville.
- What: L’Arche invites the whole community to come dance to a sock-hop playlist!
- Admission: one pair of socks. Coffee and tea provided.
Evensong Worship & Potluck Supper
- Time: Sunday, January 26th, 4:00 pm.
- Place: St. John’s Anglican Church, Wolfville.
- Speaker: Open Arms director John Andrew.
Be the “I” in Kind! “They showed us unusual kindness.” (Acts 28:2)
Photo Op! You can take a photo of yourself at L’Arche’s Be the “I” in Kind display (Mon-Fri, 10:00-3:30) and put it on their Facebook page!!