Shrove Tuesday Pancake Suppers, Feb 9:
Due to the weather conditions the pancake supper at St. John’s Anglican church, 164 Main Street, has been postponed until Tuesday, February 16th, 5-7pm. We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope you will be able to join us then.
5-7 pm, St John’s Anglican, Wolfville. Adults: $8. Children under 3 yrs: free. Older children: $4. Please use the ramp at the back of the church for entering the supper.
5-6:30 pm, St Francis. Free will offering for expenses and the Society of St Vincent de Paul.
Ash Wednesday Worship, Feb 10:
4 pm, St John’s Anglican, Wolfville. Ecumenical worship of Ashes and Holy Communion followed by 5 pm soup supper (please note earlier time so people can also attend the Simpson Lectures). Hosted by St John’s and Wolfville Baptist.
7 pm, Orchard Valley United, New Minas. Informal worship of song and prayer.
7 pm, St Francis. Liturgy of the Word with Ashes.
Weekly Lenten Sung Compline (Prayers at the End of the Day): Thursdays, 9:30 pm, Manning Chapel. Chapel Choir led by Chapel Organist John Scott.
Wolfville Area Ecumenical Lenten Bible Study: Wednesday afternoons 3:30 – 5:30. Focus: The Book of Forgiving by Desmond and Mpho Tutu.
Port Williams Baptist Church Lenten Study: small discussion groups in homes on the theme “Longing for Home.” Call the church for times and places: 902-542-3495
Also note during Lent St Francis will be observing Stations of the Cross on Fridays, starting Feb 12, at 7 pm. And Port Williams Baptist Church will be holding small discussion groups in homes on the theme “Longing for Home” (call the church for times and places: 902-542-3495).
Soup & Chowder Luncheon: “Valentine Week” Hamburger Soup/Corn Chowder Luncheon, Port Williams Baptist Church,Wednesday, February 17 (snow date: Thursday, February 18!) 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. $8. person, children under 10 free. Delicious soup or chowder, fresh French bread/rolls, delicious desserts, tea/coffee. Takeout available within Port Williams; contact the church kitchen 902-542-3012 after 9:00 am that day. Snow date will be announced on radio and on valleyevents.ca.
WAICC Refugee Sponsorship Benefit Dance: Saturday, February 27, 8:00 pm to midnight, Louis Millet Centre, New Minas.Band: Radioland (formerly Men Will Be Boys). Tickets: $25 or Tables of 10 available from Valley Rotarians, Keith Irving MLA Office, or The Box of Delights Bookshop, Wolfville. Organized by the Rotary Club of Wolfville and the Friends of the Refugee Support Network – Wolfville Area. Proceeds to support our local refugee families and their educational needs. See also the Facebook Event page (https://www.facebook.com/ events/933816676695753/) and the Valley Events listing (http://valleyevents.ca/41717) .
Contemplative Concerts at Acadia’s Manning Memorial Chapel: music for meditation. Sunday, February 28: Derek Charke, Naoko Tsujita and Ken Shorley. Sunday, March 20:Francois Cote, Heidi Kalyani and Ken Shorley. Both concerts9:00 to 10:00 pm. Freewill offering.
Wolfville Baptist Noon Hour Concerts during Lent: Wednesdays, March 9, 16 and 23. More info to follow.