Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council (WAICC)
WAICC was founded in 1970 by the churches in the area as a form of ecumenical Christian commitment to address perceived spiritual and social needs.
Member organizations include L’Arche Homefires, Manning Memorial Chapel (Acadia University), Port Williams United Baptist Church, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), St Francis of Assisi Parish (St Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church, Wolfville and St Lawrence Roman Catholic Church, Canning), St John’s Anglican Church, Wolfville, Orchard Valley Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada, and Wolfville Baptist Church.

World Day of Prayer 2023
The March meeting of the Miriam Ross Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) will include the World Day of Prayer program. The topic is “I Have Heard About Your Faith” and the program has been prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Taiwan. A warm welcome to all who are able to attend. The Miriam Ross WMS will meet on…
Prayers for a Hurting World Vigil
At Wolfville Baptist Church, Sunday, Feb.12th, at 4PM Opening words and Call to Worship (Scott Kindred-Barnes) Words from our Mayor Wendy Donovan Prayers for the earthquake in Turkey and Syria Bus crash in Daycare in Quebec Famine in Africa War in Ukraine Lighting the Christ candle Invitation to light personal candles Prayer of mourning (Ruth Tonn) Closing Benediction
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invite you to participate in its events for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. During the week of January 16th to the 20, 2023 there will be bible reflections based on this year’s theme “Do good; seek justice” (Isaiah 1:17). These are nightly from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. The reflections will be via Zoom…
2022 Christmas Activities
Events at WAICC organizations this season: WAICC Longest Night Service: Christmas in a Lower Key December 21st, 7:00 pm Hosted by Orchard Valley Pastoral Care Team Location is the County Fair Mall in New Minas (Where they are currently holding services.) Description of the Longest Night / Blue Christmas Service, December 21st, 7pm It is a time when we can,…
Blessing of the Animals
A “Blessing of the Animals” took place on Oct 2nd at 3pm in Willow Park Wolfville. People brought pets or a memento/photo to be blessed at an outdoor service of prayer, songs and readings celebrating the feast of St. Francis. See photos below.
Annual General Meeting. All welcome! Wednesday, May 11, 7:00 pm, via Zoom. Contact info@waicc.org or a WAICC church for the Zoom link and other info. Topic: Homelessness & Affordable Housing We need to shine a light on the homelessness issue. Following the AGM business meeting, John Andrew will make a presentation and take questions. John is the past executive director of…