Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council (WAICC)
WAICC was founded in 1970 by the churches in the area as a form of ecumenical Christian commitment to address perceived spiritual and social needs.
Member organizations include L’Arche Homefires, Manning Memorial Chapel (Acadia University), Port Williams United Baptist Church, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), St Francis of Assisi Parish (St Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church, Wolfville and St Lawrence Roman Catholic Church, Canning), St John’s Anglican Church, Wolfville, Orchard Valley Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada, and Wolfville Baptist Church.

Wolfville Area Interchurch Council Annual General Meeting Wednesday, June 16th, 7pm on Zoom Email info@waicc.org or call Wolfville Baptist (902-542-5524) for the Zoom link. Panel discussion follows the AGM: “The Forgotten History of Nova Scotian Black Athletes” Panel Members: Brenton Bernard, Horton High School’s Africentric Cohort Rev. Scott Kindred-Barnes, speaking on Terrance “Tiger” Warrington, Elroy Mitchell and Nova Scotian Black boxing….
WAICC Good Friday Walk with the Cross 2021
WAICC Good Friday Walk with the Cross 2021: Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council will have a virtual walk of sorts for Friday, April 2, via the video above. If you watch the video and have a Google account, please consider subscribing to WAICC’s YouTube channel AND pick the “All” bell icon beside the if you’d like to get notifications (you’ll…
Ecumenical Lectionary Lenten Bible Study
Wednesdays at 2:00 pm, March 3 to 24, online via Zoom with Rev. Dr. Rob Hankinson, retired United Church of Canada minister. To register for the series and obtain the zoom link, send your name by email to robthechaplain@gmail.com. Please send any questions about the series to Rob. Readings are selected from the Revised Common Lectionary Year B. Bring a Bible of…
Week of Prayer Photos 2021
Photos from this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Clergy from the member churches, chapel assistants and folk from L’Arche all helped lead the worship that focused on abiding in Christ. Wolfville Baptist hosted the worship.
Online Worship Service Launching Black History Month Celebrations
The Manning Memorial Chapel Team joins others within the Acadia University Community and across Canada to celebrate Black History Month. We launch the celebrations today, Sunday January 31, 2021, with a virtual Worship Service that includes special guests. Among our guests are: Ms. Fikayo Kayode, President of the Black Students’ Association at Acadia and Preacher, the Rev’d. Michael Blair, the…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 2021
WAICC Week of Prayer for Christian Unity — “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (inspired by John 15:5-9) The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council will have an evening Biblical reflection series on John 15 and other scriptures via Zoom at 6:30 pm via the Internet (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85194236307) OR by phone (1-855 703 8985 toll-free; meeting ID#: 851 9423 6307). Orchard…