WAICCWeek of Prayer for Christian Unity— “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (inspired by John 15:5-9)
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council will have an evening Biblical reflection series on John 15 and other scriptures via Zoom at 6:30 pm via the Internet (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85194236307) OR by phone (1-855 703 8985 toll-free; meeting ID#: 851 9423 6307). Orchard Valley United is hosting the Zoom call: if you have trouble accessing the call, contact Andy Pitter (; 902-542-1545; text: 902-300-3190). May everyone’s devices work well!
Rev Rob Hankinson, retired United Church minister –Monday, January 18, Welcoming Others
Rev. Don Flowers, minister of Port Williams Baptist – Tuesday, January 19, Called by God
Rev. Nicole Uzans, priest-in-charge of St. John’s Anglican – Wednesday, January 20, Maturing Internally
Rev. Scott Kindred-Barnes, minister of Wolfville Baptist – Thursday, January 21, Praying Together
Rev. Marjorie Lewis, chaplain of Acadia’s Manning Memorial Chapel – Friday, January 22, Being Transformed by the Word
If possible, Wolfville Baptist will host an in-person ecumenical worship service, “Abide in God’s Love”, on Sunday, January 24, 4:00 pm, following health protocols in effect at that time. If not possible, WAICC will post a video on the council’s website. Check this page or our Facebook page for up-to-date information. The worship will include a homily from Roman Catholic priest Father John MacPherson, Corpus Christ Parish, and a presentation on WAICC itself to commemorate its 50 years of bearing fruit.
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invite you to a Prayer Vigil for Ukraine Clock Park, Wolfville, N.S. March 10th, at 6:00 pm Masks must be worn at all times and social distancing to be upheld in keeping with the Covid restrictions still in place.
Wolfville Area InterChurch Council presents “Hope for the Future – communities of faith working together,” a facilitated discussion with Pastor Peter Noteboom, General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches. With 26 member churches, the CCC nurtures unity, justice, dialogue, and witness to the gospel through ecumenical partnerships. Come be inspired by the stories unfolding today! Saturday, Oct 28th, 2-4pm…
Friday, April 7, 2023, 11 a.m. Start at Wolfville Baptist Church. A walk through town with reflections on the Stations of the Cross offered by all member organizations of WAICC. Concluding at L’Arche (341 Main St.) @noon with an indoor reception. All are welcome to the walk and/or the reception. Photos from the walk can…
Annual General Meeting. All welcome! Wednesday, May 11, 7:00 pm, via Zoom. Contact or a WAICC church for the Zoom link and other info. Topic: Homelessness & Affordable Housing We need to shine a light on the homelessness issue. Following the AGM business meeting, John Andrew will make a presentation and take questions. John is…
Events at WAICC organizations this season: WAICC Longest Night Service: Let Me Be Blue a Little Longer A time of reflection and solace when Christmas comes with a heavy heart. Also livestreamed on YouTube: Orchard Valley United Church December 21 at 7:00PM 130 Cornwallis Avenue, New Minas An Interdenominational Service led by the Wolfville Area…
Note: You can download this info as a printable PDF file. WAICC Week of Prayer for Christian Unity — Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invites everyone to take part in a prayer for each day by email or poster: the regular ecumenical worship at Manning Memorial Chapel, Monday–Friday, 11:30-11:50 am WAICC’s Week of Prayer for Christian…