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Sock Hop and Sock Drive!
L’Arche Sock-Hop Friday, January 24, 3:30pm – 5:30 pm Come dance to a sock-hop playlist! Coffee and tea are provided. ADMISSION: a pair of new socks! INFO: 902-542-3520 COMMUNITY SOCK DRIVE! Or bring socks during the week of Jan 20-24 to St Francis Catholic, Orchard Valley United, Port Williams Baptist, Wolfville Baptist, or St. John’s…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invite you to participate in its events for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. During the week of January 16th to the 20, 2023 there will be bible reflections based on this year’s theme “Do good; seek justice” (Isaiah 1:17). These are nightly from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. The…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Wolfville Area InterChurch Council’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Events – ● 20-minute worship, “Pursuing Justice,” at Manning Memorial Chapel; January 21, 22, 24, and 25 (Mon-Tues, Thurs-Fri) at 11:30 am followed by brown bag lunches and discussions. Worship led by Chaplain Rev. Tim McFarland and his student chapel assistants. Please note parking is available on…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invites you to participate in this years’ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Bible reflections will take place over Zoom on the evenings of January 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21st at 6:30 each night. Please register by email to to ask for the meeting link. An ecumenical service will also…
World Day of Prayer 2023
The March meeting of the Miriam Ross Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) will include the World Day of Prayer program. The topic is “I Have Heard About Your Faith” and the program has been prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Taiwan. A warm welcome to all who are able to attend. The Miriam…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 19th to 26th All are welcome. Ecumenical Worship, Sock-Hop Dance, Evensong Worship & Potluck Supper, Sock Drive. Details below: Sock Drive: New or very gently used socks for all ages wanted. Collection bins located at St. Francis Catholic Church, Orchard Valley United Church, L`Arche, etc. Socks will go to agencies such as Open Arms,…
Sock Hop and Sock Drive!
L’Arche Sock-Hop Friday, January 24, 3:30pm – 5:30 pm Come dance to a sock-hop playlist! Coffee and tea are provided. ADMISSION: a pair of new socks! INFO: 902-542-3520 COMMUNITY SOCK DRIVE! Or bring socks during the week of Jan 20-24 to St Francis Catholic, Orchard Valley United, Port Williams Baptist, Wolfville Baptist, or St. John’s…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invite you to participate in its events for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. During the week of January 16th to the 20, 2023 there will be bible reflections based on this year’s theme “Do good; seek justice” (Isaiah 1:17). These are nightly from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. The…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Wolfville Area InterChurch Council’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Events – ● 20-minute worship, “Pursuing Justice,” at Manning Memorial Chapel; January 21, 22, 24, and 25 (Mon-Tues, Thurs-Fri) at 11:30 am followed by brown bag lunches and discussions. Worship led by Chaplain Rev. Tim McFarland and his student chapel assistants. Please note parking is available on…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invites you to participate in this years’ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Bible reflections will take place over Zoom on the evenings of January 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21st at 6:30 each night. Please register by email to to ask for the meeting link. An ecumenical service will also…
World Day of Prayer 2023
The March meeting of the Miriam Ross Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) will include the World Day of Prayer program. The topic is “I Have Heard About Your Faith” and the program has been prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Taiwan. A warm welcome to all who are able to attend. The Miriam…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 19th to 26th All are welcome. Ecumenical Worship, Sock-Hop Dance, Evensong Worship & Potluck Supper, Sock Drive. Details below: Sock Drive: New or very gently used socks for all ages wanted. Collection bins located at St. Francis Catholic Church, Orchard Valley United Church, L`Arche, etc. Socks will go to agencies such as Open Arms,…
Sock Hop and Sock Drive!
L’Arche Sock-Hop Friday, January 24, 3:30pm – 5:30 pm Come dance to a sock-hop playlist! Coffee and tea are provided. ADMISSION: a pair of new socks! INFO: 902-542-3520 COMMUNITY SOCK DRIVE! Or bring socks during the week of Jan 20-24 to St Francis Catholic, Orchard Valley United, Port Williams Baptist, Wolfville Baptist, or St. John’s…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invite you to participate in its events for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. During the week of January 16th to the 20, 2023 there will be bible reflections based on this year’s theme “Do good; seek justice” (Isaiah 1:17). These are nightly from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. The…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Wolfville Area InterChurch Council’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Events – ● 20-minute worship, “Pursuing Justice,” at Manning Memorial Chapel; January 21, 22, 24, and 25 (Mon-Tues, Thurs-Fri) at 11:30 am followed by brown bag lunches and discussions. Worship led by Chaplain Rev. Tim McFarland and his student chapel assistants. Please note parking is available on…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invites you to participate in this years’ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Bible reflections will take place over Zoom on the evenings of January 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21st at 6:30 each night. Please register by email to to ask for the meeting link. An ecumenical service will also…
World Day of Prayer 2023
The March meeting of the Miriam Ross Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) will include the World Day of Prayer program. The topic is “I Have Heard About Your Faith” and the program has been prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Taiwan. A warm welcome to all who are able to attend. The Miriam…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 19th to 26th All are welcome. Ecumenical Worship, Sock-Hop Dance, Evensong Worship & Potluck Supper, Sock Drive. Details below: Sock Drive: New or very gently used socks for all ages wanted. Collection bins located at St. Francis Catholic Church, Orchard Valley United Church, L`Arche, etc. Socks will go to agencies such as Open Arms,…