1. Report of the Time for Caregivers project
2. Letter from WAICC to the Premier re VLTs
Report of the Time for Caregivers project
A Survey of Unpaid Caregivers in the Wolfville Area
A project of Churches and Parishes of
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council
Funded by the Eastern Kings Memorial Health Foundation
Survey conducted by Jennifer Longley
Oct. 2004 – March 2005
Having recognized that the growing number of caregivers in the Wolfville area have needs which for the most part are not being recognized or met by church or community, a project was undertaken in order that all might better understand our caregivers and their situations. Funded by a grant, an ecumenical group representing all local churches hired a researcher to interview as many caregivers willing to participate in the project as possible within the allotted five month period. Caregivers generously gave of their limited time and energy to provide valuable information and insight into their situations and needs. The interviews generated hope that there are those who care and that there might be those willing to help the caregivers. The information provided by the caregivers identified numerous ways in which caregivers could, and should, be helped.