Worship Services on Eastlink TV
- October 4: St Francis Roman Catholic
- October 11: Port Williams Baptist (music TBA)
- Oct 11 will be the last broadcast.
WAICC’s Good Friday events, April 15 Walk with the Cross, starting at St Francis, 11 am Ecumenical Worship, Port Williams United Baptist, 1 pm, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPgQh9mE0fuJBb9Pjs06JIw Please note we will not have our usual hot cross buns in between due to COVID. St John’s Anglican, Wolfville Maundy Thursday, April 14, 7 pm Good Friday,…
Friday, April 7, 2023, 11 a.m. Start at Wolfville Baptist Church. A walk through town with reflections on the Stations of the Cross offered by all member organizations of WAICC. Concluding at L’Arche (341 Main St.) @noon with an indoor reception. All are welcome to the walk and/or the reception. Photos from the walk can…
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invites you to participate in this years’ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Bible reflections will take place over Zoom on the evenings of January 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21st at 6:30 each night. Please register by email to zoom@waicc.org to ask for the meeting link. An ecumenical service will also…
WAICC Good Friday Walk with the Cross 2021: Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council will have a virtual walk of sorts for Friday, April 2, via the video above. If you watch the video and have a Google account, please consider subscribing to WAICC’s YouTube channel AND pick the “All” bell icon beside the if you’d…
Events at WAICC organizations this season: WAICC Longest Night Service: Let Me Be Blue a Little Longer A time of reflection and solace when Christmas comes with a heavy heart. Also livestreamed on YouTube: Orchard Valley United Church December 21 at 7:00PM 130 Cornwallis Avenue, New Minas An Interdenominational Service led by the Wolfville Area…
January 19th to 26th All are welcome. Ecumenical Worship, Sock-Hop Dance, Evensong Worship & Potluck Supper, Sock Drive. Details below: Sock Drive: New or very gently used socks for all ages wanted. Collection bins located at St. Francis Catholic Church, Orchard Valley United Church, L`Arche, etc. Socks will go to agencies such as Open Arms,…
WAICC’s Good Friday events, April 15 Walk with the Cross, starting at St Francis, 11 am Ecumenical Worship, Port Williams United Baptist, 1 pm, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPgQh9mE0fuJBb9Pjs06JIw Please note we will not have our usual hot cross buns in between due to COVID. St John’s Anglican, Wolfville Maundy Thursday, April 14, 7 pm Good Friday,…
Friday, April 7, 2023, 11 a.m. Start at Wolfville Baptist Church. A walk through town with reflections on the Stations of the Cross offered by all member organizations of WAICC. Concluding at L’Arche (341 Main St.) @noon with an indoor reception. All are welcome to the walk and/or the reception. Photos from the walk can…
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invites you to participate in this years’ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Bible reflections will take place over Zoom on the evenings of January 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21st at 6:30 each night. Please register by email to zoom@waicc.org to ask for the meeting link. An ecumenical service will also…
WAICC Good Friday Walk with the Cross 2021: Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council will have a virtual walk of sorts for Friday, April 2, via the video above. If you watch the video and have a Google account, please consider subscribing to WAICC’s YouTube channel AND pick the “All” bell icon beside the if you’d…
Events at WAICC organizations this season: WAICC Longest Night Service: Let Me Be Blue a Little Longer A time of reflection and solace when Christmas comes with a heavy heart. Also livestreamed on YouTube: Orchard Valley United Church December 21 at 7:00PM 130 Cornwallis Avenue, New Minas An Interdenominational Service led by the Wolfville Area…
January 19th to 26th All are welcome. Ecumenical Worship, Sock-Hop Dance, Evensong Worship & Potluck Supper, Sock Drive. Details below: Sock Drive: New or very gently used socks for all ages wanted. Collection bins located at St. Francis Catholic Church, Orchard Valley United Church, L`Arche, etc. Socks will go to agencies such as Open Arms,…
WAICC’s Good Friday events, April 15 Walk with the Cross, starting at St Francis, 11 am Ecumenical Worship, Port Williams United Baptist, 1 pm, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPgQh9mE0fuJBb9Pjs06JIw Please note we will not have our usual hot cross buns in between due to COVID. St John’s Anglican, Wolfville Maundy Thursday, April 14, 7 pm Good Friday,…
Friday, April 7, 2023, 11 a.m. Start at Wolfville Baptist Church. A walk through town with reflections on the Stations of the Cross offered by all member organizations of WAICC. Concluding at L’Arche (341 Main St.) @noon with an indoor reception. All are welcome to the walk and/or the reception. Photos from the walk can…
The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council invites you to participate in this years’ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Bible reflections will take place over Zoom on the evenings of January 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21st at 6:30 each night. Please register by email to zoom@waicc.org to ask for the meeting link. An ecumenical service will also…
WAICC Good Friday Walk with the Cross 2021: Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council will have a virtual walk of sorts for Friday, April 2, via the video above. If you watch the video and have a Google account, please consider subscribing to WAICC’s YouTube channel AND pick the “All” bell icon beside the if you’d…
Events at WAICC organizations this season: WAICC Longest Night Service: Let Me Be Blue a Little Longer A time of reflection and solace when Christmas comes with a heavy heart. Also livestreamed on YouTube: Orchard Valley United Church December 21 at 7:00PM 130 Cornwallis Avenue, New Minas An Interdenominational Service led by the Wolfville Area…
January 19th to 26th All are welcome. Ecumenical Worship, Sock-Hop Dance, Evensong Worship & Potluck Supper, Sock Drive. Details below: Sock Drive: New or very gently used socks for all ages wanted. Collection bins located at St. Francis Catholic Church, Orchard Valley United Church, L`Arche, etc. Socks will go to agencies such as Open Arms,…