Worship Services on Eastlink TV
- October 4: St Francis Roman Catholic
- October 11: Port Williams Baptist (music TBA)
- Oct 11 will be the last broadcast.
Friday, April 7, 2023, 11 a.m. Start at Wolfville Baptist Church. A walk through town with reflections on the Stations of the Cross offered by all member organizations of WAICC. Concluding at L’Arche (341 Main St.) @noon with an indoor reception. All are welcome to the walk and/or the reception. Photos from the walk can…
The Rev. Dr. Rima Nasrallah (The Middle East Council of Churches) reflects on the 2022 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity theme, We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him (Mt 2:2). Beginning with a meditation on the challenges that the Christians in the Middle East face today, Rev. Dr….
A “Blessing of the Animals” took place on Oct 2nd at 3pm in Willow Park Wolfville. People brought pets or a memento/photo to be blessed at an outdoor service of prayer, songs and readings celebrating the feast of St. Francis. See photos below.
L’Arche Sock-Hop Friday, January 24, 3:30pm – 5:30 pm Come dance to a sock-hop playlist! Coffee and tea are provided. ADMISSION: a pair of new socks! INFO: 902-542-3520 COMMUNITY SOCK DRIVE! Or bring socks during the week of Jan 20-24 to St Francis Catholic, Orchard Valley United, Port Williams Baptist, Wolfville Baptist, or St. John’s…
Photos from this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Clergy from the member churches, chapel assistants and folk from L’Arche all helped lead the worship that focused on abiding in Christ. Wolfville Baptist hosted the worship.
The Manning Memorial Chapel Team joins others within the Acadia University Community and across Canada to celebrate Black History Month. We launch the celebrations today, Sunday January 31, 2021, with a virtual Worship Service that includes special guests. Among our guests are: Ms. Fikayo Kayode, President of the Black Students’ Association at Acadia and Preacher,…