Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 2021

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 2021

  WAICC Week of Prayer for Christian Unity — “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (inspired by John 15:5-9) The Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council will have an evening Biblical reflection series on John 15 and other scriptures via Zoom at 6:30 pm via the Internet (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85194236307) OR by phone (1-855 703 8985 toll-free; meeting…

Manning Memorial Chapel Remembrance Sunday Service 2020

Manning Memorial Chapel Remembrance Sunday Service 2020

The Manning Memorial Chapel Remembrance Sunday Service can be viewed on the Chapel website. In previous years, Acadia University along with the Legion and the Town of Wolfville had a formal commemoration in University Hall, and parade through the town to the Cenotaph. This year, the COVID-19 protocols preclude such a ceremony. In light of…

Pray for the World coronavirus image
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National Prayer for Canada – March 31 at 4pm

Two Canadian faith leaders, Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka and Ottawa Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, invite all Canadians to join together in prayer today, Tuesday, March 31, at 4 pm ADT. The prayer is below. For the prayer in French, go to https://www.facebook.com/events/501592520516480/ and for more info go to https://grandinmedia.ca/national-multi-faith-prayer-effort…/ Please consider praying this prayer at 4 pm today…

Vigil in honour or those lost in Flight 752 crash in Iran

Vigil in honour or those lost in Flight 752 crash in Iran

Members of the Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council will lead this time of prayer, reflection and remarks from community leaders as we gather in remembrance and hope. Everyone will have an opportunity to share a poem, reading, prayer or other words of love and support. All welcome. Please share the FB event. Saturday, January 25th 1pm…

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

January 19th to 26th All are welcome. Ecumenical Worship, Sock-Hop Dance, Evensong Worship & Potluck Supper, Sock Drive. Details below: Sock Drive: New or very gently used socks for all ages wanted. Collection bins located at St. Francis Catholic Church, Orchard Valley United Church, L`Arche, etc. Socks will go to agencies such as Open Arms,…

religious persecution

Lenten Study

The season of Lent begins with that haunting reminder, “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Most of the time we avoid the words, the thought.  We want to believe we will live forever, as if believing it will make it happen.  As long as we don’t think about death—our death—we will hold…