religious persecution

Virtual Easter Services

Here are the “virtual” Easter services available on Live Stream, Recording, or emailed documents.

(More to be added soon)

See also the Shared Prayer and Shared Photos page!
Download Good Friday Prayers 2020.
Upload pictures of yourself on Good Friday and Easter.


Orchard Valley United Church

Please go to our website for videos of our Good Friday and Easter Sunday worship services:
For Easter Sunday communion, join United Church Moderator Richard Bott at 4 pm ADT:
(if asked for a password, enter 000000). For more information, go to:

Catholic Church

Corpus Christi Holy Week
Masses will be livestreamed on Corpus Christi’s YouTube channel as follows:

    • Palm Sunday Mass at 10am with Fr. John and Fr.Keith
    • Monday – Mass at 8:30am
    • Tuesday – Mass at 8:30am
    • Wednesday – Mass at 8:30am
    • Holy Thursday – 7pm with Fr. John and Fr. Keith
    • Good Friday – 3pm – Archdiocesan Service with the Bishops
    • Easter Vigil – 8pm Saturday – Archdiocesan Mass with the Bishops
    • Easter Sunday  Mass at 10am with Fr. John and Fr. Keith

Wolfville Baptist Church

Wolfville Baptist Church is currently offering a live Worship Service on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am, online using Zoom, followed by a period of informal fellowship in the Virtual Vestry. Instructions are sent weekly via the church e-mail list. To receive instructions to join us live using your computer, tablet or Smartphone, contact  or leave a message at the church office, 902-542-5524.

After the service, a recording will be available online.

To view the service from Sunday, April 5, click the following link:

St. John’s Anglican Church, Parish of Horton, Wolfville

Parish Website:
Parish Facebook Page: 
Link to Audio Services:

While we can’t gather in person at St. John’s, we can still worship together using the technology available to us. Our schedule for the week is listed below. All services follow an order of service which will be posted on the Parish website and our Facebook page and sent to our email list. For printed copies of any resources or for a link to our Zoom worship or studies, please call the Reverend Sandra Fyfe at 902-542-2464.

Please contact Sandra if you’d like to connect by phone or if you have difficulty with the link.

Thursday, April 9th – Maundy Thursday
We remember Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, giving them the commandment to love, and instituting the Lord’s Supper. We will attempt to record the Stripping of the Altar (with readings from Psalm 22 and Matthew 26:30-46). This is done annually in preparation for Good Friday. Even though we can’t gather in the church building, the stripping of the altar is a powerful act that reminds us of Jesus’ impending crucifixion and death.

Friday, April 10th – Good Friday
Audio Service – The Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion  – This service incorporates what are known as the Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross with music, prayer, reflections and responses.

11 am* – Walk with the Cross – A resource is available from the Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council (WAICC) to use on your daily walk or drive to help you reflect on the story of Jesus’ passion and death and how his suffering relates to the suffering of the world. *We encourage those who are able to walk at 11am as a sign of solidarity with fellow Christians in the Wolfville area. We can’t gather in person but walking at the same time in our own neighbourhoods (while maintaining 6’ of physical distance from others) is still a powerful witness.

Saturday, April 11th – Holy Saturday
Between Cross and Resurrection – A short audio service with readings and poetry giving space for the in-between times in our lives.

Sunday, April 12th – Easter Day (listen for church bells ringing throughout our community at 11am)

Audio service – A Service of the Word (Contemporary service from The Book of Alternative Services)

We celebrate the resurrection of the Lord even as we find ourselves behind closed doors like those first disciples. In spite of the challenges we face, Easter comes and new life emerges. On your daily walk or drive look and listen for signs of new life. Send us a list of three signs/sounds of new life and we’ll include them on a paper chain to be created outside the main entrance of the church.

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